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Showing posts from May 20, 2019

Story Of Mrityu – Death In Hinduism

Mrityu means death. In Hinduism, Mrityu is personified as both male and female deity. Mrityu is mainly depicted as a goddess and is mentioned in the Mahabharata and other scriptures. Legend has it that Mrityu, the goddess, appeared from Brahma to put to death living beings on earth. As there was no death in the beginning the earth was overpopulated and this led to huge imbalance in nature. It is said in some scriptures that Goddess Mrityu performed penance for thousands of years and was granted the boon by Brahma that she will not incur sin for putting living beings to death on earth. Diseases, passion and yama help Goddess Mrityu in accomplishing her job. In some scriptures, Mrityu is the son of Adharma and is equated with Yama, the god of death.

Different Types Of Bath In Hindu Religion - Importance Of Daily Religious Bathing in Hinduism

Several Hindu scriptures mention about the different types of bath a devotee can do daily. Bathing in the early morning is advised by most scriptures, especially by the Garuda Purana. It is believed in Hindu religion that bathing in the morning helps in removing all negative energies. It also prepares one to do duties with Shradha (concentration). Here is a look at the importance of religious bathing in Hinduism. Different Types Of Bath In Hindu Religion The general bath advised is  Varun Snan  – In this bath one bathes with water. The best form of taking bath in Hinduism is in a flowing river. Bath in ponds, lakes and sea is also considered meritorious. If a person is not keeping well then he is advised to take Kayik Snan – in this type of bathing one cleans the body with a wet cloth. Yogic Snan or Atma Tirtha – In this type of Snan one purifies one’s body through Yoga. This is usually only possible for experienced yoga practitioners. Brahma Snan – To bathe by

Achyuta Meaning - Importance Of The Name Of Vishnu

Achyuta is one among the numerous names of Hindu God Vishnu. General meaning given to Achyuta is ‘unfallen, steadfast, imperishable, firm etc.’ Scriptures suggests that the name means that one who does not perish with created things. There is a popular belief that uttering the name Achyuta will help in alleviating diseases – this is mentioned in the Agni Purana. Mahabharata describes Achyuta as one who liberates. Skanda Purana describes the name as he who never changes his nature. Vishnu Purana Describes Achuta as: That One, which here is all things, is Achyuta (Vishnu), than whom there is none other. He is I; he is thou; he is all: this universe is his form. Abandon the error of distinction

Kamakalavilasa – Tantric Text On Speech And Creation

Kamakalavilasa is an important tantric text by Punyananda (also called Advaitananda) of Kashmir, teacher of Amritananda Natha. This work is referred to as Tripura Sundari Stotram in many manuscripts. Kamakalavilasa work deals with the principles of cosmogonic symbolism, represented geometrically in Sri Chakra. The date and place of the author remain uncertain. The author is quoted by Bhaskaracharya, possibly of the 18 th century AD. Kamakalavilasa follows the Hadi interpretation of Sri Vidya. The work comprises fifty five verses in the arya meter. According to the Shaiva Sakta preceptors of Yoga, nothing is lost in this world and everything is in the form of ‘I-in-fullness”,   and to realize this purnatva (state of fullness) one should know the mystery of kamakala, otherwise called kamakalavilasa. Kamakalavilasa means the evolution of kamakala. That is the Supreme Triangle formed of the bindu and visarga, of prakasha (illumination, experience of I ness) and Vimarsha (e

Mantra Before Daily Puja and Prayer in a Hindu Home

The mantra chanted before daily puja and prayer in a Hindu home is for the welfare of all living beings on earth including the person performing the puja. Below is the mantra chanted before daily puja and prayer in a Hindu home. All prayers in Hindu religion are meant for the welfare of the universe. As per Hinduism, we are all connected like a wave is connected to the ocean. Mantra Before Daily Puja and Prayer in a Hindu Home ॐ शांति  सुशान्ति : सर्वारिष्ट शान्ति भवतु। ॐ   लक्ष्मीनारायणाभ्यां नम : । ॐ   उमामहेश्वराभ्यां नम : । ॐ  वाणी हिरण्यगर्भाभ्यां नम : । ॐ   शचीपुरन्दराभ्यां नम : । ॐ  मातापितृ चरण कमलभ्यो नम : । ॐ   इष्टदेवाताभ्यो  नमः  । ॐ   कुलदेवताभ्यो   नमः । ॐ   ग्रामदेवताभ्यो नम : । ॐ  स्थान देवताभ्यो नम : । ॐ   वास्तुदेवताभ्यो नम : । ॐ   सर्वे देवेभ्यो नम : । ॐ   सर्वेभ्यो ब्राह्मणोभ्यो नम : । ॐ   सिद्धि बुद्धि सहिताय श्रीमन्यहा गणाधिपतये नम : । ॐ   स्वस्ति न इन्द्रो वृद्धश्रवाः। ॐ  स्वस्ति नः पूषा व

Story of Ganesha as Lambodara

Lambodara is one among the numerous names of Ganesha. Lambodara means the potbellied one – one with a huge stomach. Mudgala Purana states that Ganapati took the form of Lambodara to defeat demon Krodhasura (Anger). The story of Lambodra is associated with the Mohini Avatar of Vishnu and Shiva. Asuras and Devas were fight for the Amrta (nectar) that appeared during the Samudra Manthan (Churning of Ocean). To rescue it from Asuras, Vishnu appeared in the form of Mohini. The Asuras were attracted by the divine damsel and this lack of attention on the part of Asuras were cleverly used by Mohini to serve the Amrta to Devas. Thus Devas became immortal. Shiva who heard about the maddening charm of Mohini wished to see her.  The wait to see the Mohini form resulted in the birth of Krodhasura – the result of impatience and anger. To subdue this Asura form Ganesha appeared as Lambodara. Symbolically, those who are unable to control their temper should take refuge in Ganesha.

Dadaji Amiya Roy Chowdhury Quotes - Teachings

Dadaji Amiya Roy Chowdhury (1906-1992) quotes and teachings You fulfill your life purpose by living a natural life, doing your work and enjoying everything and everyone as His Creation. The relationship between the physical and the spiritual is so close that it is impossible to enjoy one without the other. God is in you and all around you. He is chanting Mahanam (God's Name) within you 24 hours a day, giving you life. Mahanam is the Eternal Truth which will enable the devotee to reach the transcendental Reality. This is possible only by the annihilation of the ego and by complete surrender to the Absolute by having faith in Mahanam. Anyone who thinks he's anybody is full of ego. An individual can at best put in effort, regardless of the result. Work is one’s own dharma. Work itself is sacrifice. Work is penance. God is there, ready to hold your hand and walk with you. So do not worry or be afraid. We are here to enjoy His Play, remember Him with l