The south facing form of Hanumanji is known as Dakshin Mukhi
Hanuman and is worshipped by people who are suffering from constant fear,
troubles, and do not have peace in life.
Dakshinamukhi Hanumanji helps such devotees. As per Hindu belief, Kaal
or Yama, the god of death, resides in the South (Dakshin), and Hanumanji has
the blessings of Yama. So devotees of Hanuman will be unharmed by Yama.
Again Kaal is under the control of Bhagvan Shiva and Hanuman is an incarnation of Shiva.
Therefore offering prayers to this form of Hanuman will
help in removing all fears associated with death.
It is also believed that hanging picture of Dakshina Mukhi
Hanuman in homes which have the main door towards south will help in
alleviating Vastu Dosh.