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Hinduism Facts That They Do not Tell You

This article explores many Hinduism facts that is conveniently overlooked by many popular websites and articles. They don’t tell you the real facts – they are more interested in the number of Hindus (third largest religion); they are interested in the countries where Hinduism is followed (India, Nepal, Fiji, Guyana..) and the caste system.

Oldest Living Religion

Hinduism is the oldest living religion in the world. It has no name – a name that comes closest to defining the religion is Sanatana Dharma. Hindu religion is perhaps the only evolving religion in the world.

The name Hinduism was coined by the British during the 1800s.
…who really knows? Who will here proclaim it? Whence was it produced? Whence is this creation? The gods came afterwards, with the creation of this universe.
Who then knows when it has arisen?
When this creation has arise – perhaps it formed itself, or perhaps it did not – the one who looks down on it, in the highest heaven, only he knows – or perhaps he does not know. (Rig Veda)
A Religion That was Attacked Mercilessly for Thousands of Years

Hinduism is the religion that withstood the onslaught of Islam and Christianity for more than thousand years. Islamic rulers and government supported Christian missionaries failed to destroy Hinduism.

The number of Hindus wiped out by Muslim invaders (starting from 1175 AD) is equivalent to the population of several countries in Europe.

It is the only religion that is constantly under attack from outside and inside. From other religions, governments and organizations.

It is the only religion that had to be defined by the highest court of a country -  "Hinduism is not a religion with one God and one Holy Scripture. The practices vary from region to region, place to place. The Gods worshipped, the customs, traditions, practices, rituals etc. they all differ, yet all these people are Hindus." (Supreme Court of India)

Atheism is Part of a Religion - It can happen only in Hinduism

Hinduism is perhaps the only religion that has accepted atheism – a fully developed school of thought supporting atheism is part of Hinduism – Carvaka philosophical school.

Respect for All Religions

Hinduism is the only religion that has not attacked another religion. It has imbibed the good teachings of all religions.

It is the only religion that has not broken or mutilated idols. In fact, it protected, saved and imbibed idols of all religions and traditions.

To Find Enemies Do Not Look Outside

The greatest enemies of Hindus are Hindus who are misguided by fake Gurus, politicians and people with vested interests.

Superstition thrives in Hinduism – because individuals are free to approach God in any way they want.

In a generation, hardly a few understand the true teachings of Hinduism.

Science and Hinduism Go Hand in Hand

Hindus always encouraged scientific spirit.

Hinduism has stood up to the challenges of modern science better than any other religion.

So What is then Hinduism?

Essentially Hinduism is the sum total of all attempts made by living beings (individual soul) to understand God.

Hinduism is not a religion in strict sense. It is not based on a founder or single scripture. It is a relentless pursuit of truth.

The core teaching of Hinduism that all gods and goddess are one – the different forms are just manifestation of one single Supreme Being (Brahman).

The paths to reach God are innumerable. Hinduism respects all the paths.

A Hindu sees God in all animate and inanimate.

Hinduism Teaches Through Symbolism

Symbolism plays a great role in Hindu religion and this symbolism is not limited by time or region.
The teachings and symbols in Hinduism are based on universal truth and therefore it will be applicable in all ages.

Celebration of Individual Freedom to know His/Her Source

Hinduism is based on self realization and not borrowed realization. Each individual should realize That (Brahman) and not by becoming blind follower of another.

One Birth is not Enough to Know

Hindu art, architecture, beliefs, temples, festivals – we need several births to know it all. By then Hindus might have added even more to the religion. So we will need to take several births again.

It has the oldest scriptures (Vedas)...It has the longest epic (Mahabharata)...

Hinduism is an Eternal Tree

Hinduism does not live in the past. It takes inspiration from the ancient teachers. It keeps its doors open to new knowledge. Hinduism is like a tree that is always growing. It cannot be uprooted. It can be mutilated but new branches will grow from the same spot.  
"Hinduism appears to be a very complex religion. It is like a centre of gravity doll which always regains its upright position however much it may be upset. Hinduism does not have a single founder, a single book, a single church or even a single way of life."  Quote from Facets of Hinduism by Swami Harshananda

Ancient Hindu Sculpture Techniques Seen No Where In The World During The Period 

Ancient Hindu sculpture techniques indeed represent a rich and unique tradition that flourished throughout the Indian subcontinent. During different periods of history, various techniques were employed by sculptors to create stunning artworks that adorned temples, palaces, and other sacred spaces. Some of these techniques include:

Shilpa Shastra: Shilpa Shastra is the ancient Indian science of art and architecture. It encompasses a wide range of disciplines including sculpture, architecture, painting, and iconography. Sculptors would follow guidelines laid out in texts like the Vishwakarma Vastushastra and the Shilpa Ratna.

Pratima Lakshana: This refers to the guidelines and principles for making sculptures, including proportions, iconography, symbolism, and aesthetics. Each deity had specific iconographic features that sculptors adhered to, ensuring consistency across representations.

Stone Carving: Stone carving was one of the primary techniques used in Hindu sculpture. Skilled artisans would carve intricate designs and figures into various types of stone, such as granite, sandstone, and marble.

Bronze Casting: Another prominent technique was bronze casting, particularly during the Chola period in South India. Sculptors would create intricate wax models, encase them in clay molds, and then pour molten bronze into the molds to create sculptures of gods, goddesses, and other divine figures.

Stucco Sculpture: Stucco was also used in Hindu sculpture, especially in regions where stone was scarce. Sculptors would create molds from clay mixed with straw or other fibers, then apply layers of plaster to build up the sculpture.

Iconometry: This refers to the precise measurement and proportions used in creating sculptures. Different deities had specific measurements and postures prescribed in ancient texts, which sculptors followed meticulously.

High Relief and Low Relief Carvings: Hindu sculptures often feature intricate relief carvings, where figures and designs are carved into the surface of a stone or metal plaque. These can range from low relief, where the figures barely protrude from the background, to high relief, where the figures are almost fully three-dimensional.

These techniques, among others, contributed to the rich artistic heritage of ancient Hindu sculpture, showcasing the skill, craftsmanship, and devotion of the artists who created them. The intricacy and beauty of these sculptures continue to inspire awe and admiration to this day.

Keep Learning

I can never end this article. But I have to stop writing. So this page will be constantly updated to spread the true Hinduism Facts.