The teaching that "Patience in adversity is the quality of a true man" is deeply rooted in ancient Hindu philosophy and remains profoundly relevant in modern times. This concept, often intertwined with virtues like perseverance, resilience, and fortitude, forms a cornerstone of the Hindu ethical and spiritual framework. Patience in Adversity: The Hindu Perspective In Hinduism, patience, especially during times of hardship, is considered a vital attribute of a person striving towards righteousness (Dharma). This virtue is often referred to as "Kshama" in Sanskrit, which means forgiveness or patience. Kshama is not merely passive endurance but an active, conscious decision to maintain composure, understanding, and compassion even in challenging situations. The Bhagavad Gita, one of the most revered scriptures in Hinduism, extensively discusses the importance of patience and resilience. In the Gita, Lord Krishna advises Arjuna to perform his duty without attachment to ...