In the ancient epic of the Ramayana, the conflict between Rama and Ravana reaches a critical juncture as the two formidable forces prepare for an inevitable clash. In an attempt to gain an upper hand, Ravana, the ten-headed demon king of Lanka, deploys spies to infiltrate Rama’s camp and gather intelligence. Ravana’s initial attempts prove futile as his spies are easily captured by Rama’s vigilant forces. Despite being captured, these spies are released unharmed and return to Lanka, bearing tales of the extraordinary strength and valor of Rama’s army. This news enrages Ravana, who is infuriated by both the failure of his espionage efforts and the growing legend of Rama’s might. In a tense council, Mahodar, a wise and seasoned rakshasa, addresses Ravana’s court. He advises that the mission requires a spy of exceptional skill and discretion, someone capable of blending seamlessly into the enemy's camp and gathering crucial information without detection. Mahodar recommends Shardul