The Ranganatha Ramayana, a Telugu adaptation of the Ramayana, presents a unique perspective on the character of Manthara, deviating significantly from Valmiki's original portrayal. This version provides a motive for Manthara's actions, which is absent in the Valmiki Ramayana. The Tale of Manthara's Hatred In the Ranganatha Ramayana , Manthara's deep-seated animosity towards Rama is rooted in a personal grievance. The narrative explains that her malevolence stems from an incident in their past: Accidental Injury : According to the Ranganatha Ramayana, during their childhood, Rama accidentally caused Manthara to trip and fall, resulting in a serious injury. This incident left a lasting scar, both physically and emotionally, on Manthara. The fall not only caused her significant pain but also led to a deformity, making her bitter and resentful. Seething with Revenge : From that day forward, Manthara harbored a deep hatred towards Rama. Her deformity and suffering fueled her