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Why Hinduism Is Eternal – Sanatana?

Article source – Essential Of Hinduism by Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha Maharaj - In The book - The Science Called Hinduism - The Play of the Divine in the form of the Rishis - Vanamali page xvii – xviii.

Hinduism is called Sanatana for two reasons. Sanatanam karoti iti sanatanah. It makes its votary feel and realize that his personality is, in truth, immortal. He is not the body. He only has his body, like his house or car. The ‘presence and power’ that animate the body is not physical, but spiritual. Different from matter and energy, which constitute the body, he is actually unborn, undying, eternal and everywhere present. The inner consciousness that he verily is, makes him immortal.

Equally so, Hinduism is Sanatana, eternal, because it relates to the mind and intelligence of the human, which have not changed over ages. The ancient human had the same emotional mind and rational intelligence, which alone his modern counterpart also has. Values which relate to these changeless constituents of the human personality are naturally eternal.

Another reason, why Hinduism is eternal is because of its scientific nature. As for the scientific nature of Hinduism, it rests upon the observations our senses make, and the inferences the mind and intelligence arrive at on the basis of such observations. In fact, these are the two canons on which all objective sciences also subsist. That the objective science uses instruments like the telescope and microscope makes no difference to the fundamental nature and validity of both, namely science and spirituality. What employs the instruments are the senses in oneself. And it is the mind and intelligence within that employ the senses. Thus, the grounds on which the objective science and the subjective science (Hinduism), rests are exactly the same.

Sanatana Dharma (Hinduism) lays down a set of common disciplines for all people, despite their bodily or inner differences. They are non-hurting, truthfulness, non-stealing, cleanliness and control of the senses are the common disciplines and values meant for all categories of people.