You are not the body. You are not the mind, nor the buddhi, nor the will. You are the atma. The atma is eternal. This is the conclusion which great souls have arrived at from their experience. Let this truth become well impressed on your mind. But there is one thing to which you must give attention. Never swerve from the path of dharma. Let it be your practice to regard every life as the holy presence of God. He is both within and without. I remain, I am He.
Silence is Truth. Silence is Bliss. Silence is Peace. And hence Silence is Atman. To live this Silence as such is the Goal. It is Moksha. It is the end of the endless cycle of births and deaths.
If by wandering as a mendicant one can become a sannyasin, all beggars should be sannyasins. If by studying the scriptures one can become a sannyasin, then by counting the King's money, one must become a millionaire.
Here is a real avadhuta. Though surrounded by relatives and devotees, he is completely alone and at one with the Self. Though people offer him fruits and sweets, he sits unmoved, letting the monkeys take them away. This is surely the Peace and the Silence that are the pinnacle of advaita: Brahma jnana.
The musk deer does not know that it bears the precious musk because it is a brute. But you are a man, endowed with common sense. God is within you. Still you wander here and there in search of Him. Why?
He who sees the Self in all, and has no desires of his own whatsoever, is the friend of all, at all times, and in all circumstances — in adversity as well as prosperity.
Accept sorrows yourself and rain down happiness on others. That is what ought to be done. That is why Siva swallowed the poison and bears the moon on his head. Similarly, good people everywhere bear good qualities on the head and suppress evil at the throat.