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Meaning Of Touching Feet Of Murti (God) In Hinduism – Symbolism

Touching feet of god in Hinduism is an important form of worship. The feet of murti of gods and goddesses are touched by millions of Hindus daily. Here is the meaning and symbolism of touching feet of murti or vigraha in Hindu religion.

Meaning Of Touching Feet Of Murti (God) In Hinduism – Symbolism

Feet in the terminology of the Hindu scriptures, represent the BASE on which one stands or on which one is established. Bhagavan is established in Truth so His feet represent Truth.

When we touch or prostrate at the feet of murti of gods and goddesses in temples or sacred places, it is symbolic of our expression of respect to the noble ideals on which the murti is firmly rooted.

One attains moksha by touching the Truth – the feet.

When we perform pada puja, we are but adoring the great ideals on which all Murtis stand.