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Muktiyogya In Hinduism - Person Qualified For Liberation

Muktiyogya in Hinduism means one who has made himself yogya (qualified) for moksha (liberation from cycle of birth and death).

This liberation from cycle of birth and death is due to knowledge of atman (individual self) and Brahman. Brahman is the eternal, unthinkable and unchanging substratum. A person who lives a life of devotion to Brahman and whose actions are free from gunas (three attributes – sat, rajas and tama) has attained muktiyogya.

Although the early Vedic hymns were intended for sacred fire rituals, the later Vedic hymns had some monotheistic conceptions. However, it was Upanishads that emphasized knowledge of Brahman as a compulsory requisite for mukti (liberation).

The source of man’s spiritual insight is the very self of man himself. Mundaka Upanishad states “Whom he chooses, the finds him” (III.2.3).

If Vedas and their gods depend upon cosmic forces, Upanishads look within to comprehend the inner world. The fragility of the world of appearance makes way for the immortal self inside. The majesty of Agni and Maruta could be explained with the powers of atman.

Brahman, cosmic consciousness, could be identified within the self of man. To graduate to that stage of knowledge, a person must bypass the transient pleasures of the finite world.
This world of the senses inhibits realization of the reality of Brahman – sat (the absolute truth), chit (pure consciousness) and ananda (pure joy). An individual, while performing his karmas (actions) in life, can attain the highest conception of mukti by leading yogya life.

The self man is clouded by the perceptions of the senses. The organic and the inorganic compose the phenomenal world. Brahman through maya created the world with akasha (space), vayu (air), tejas (fire), ap (water), and kshiti (earth).  The samkhya theory of thought regards it as necessary for the salvation of a being to discriminate and separate this phenomenality from the self.

The atman can achieve liberation from the cycle of birth and death in this world by the realization of his/her identity with Brahman. Suffering and pleasure arise from submission to the world of the senses. The samkhya doctrine separates Brahman and the self of man.

The Upanishadic dictum is rte jnanana mukti, there is no liberation without knowledge. Hence, jnana (knowledge of self) is initial yogyata for mukti.

Hence, jnana (knowledge of self) is initial yogyata for mukti. One is muktiyogya if one has no infatuation for bodily existence or for the satisfaction of the senses and if one searches within for all knowledge, all realization. Devotion to Brahman and unattached action are other yogyata to attain mukti.