Triphala churna is a blend of three herbs – harad, baheda
and amla. The three have distinctive qualities and benefits – it expels toxins
out of the body. Harad is highly beneficial for eyes; Baheda helps in digestion
and amla is an astringent, cool in potency.
The most important benefit of Triphala Churna is that it
eliminates all doshas from the body. It pacifies vata and pitta; it also
destroys kapha. It balances all three doshas.
Other benefits include:
- Balances body cholesterol
- Boosts immunity
- Healthy eyes
- Aids in digestion
- Cleanses intestine
- Improves appetite
- Helpful in respiratory diseases
- Improves uterine strength
- Helps in healing wound
- Good for teeth and gums
- Improves liver functioning.