People who search for logic and science in everything fail to understand the stories in the Hindu Puranas. Sister Subbulakshmi wrote in the introduction to her Tamil translation of the Bhagavad Gita.
Our Puranas have a two-fold significance: the internal and the external; this double approach makes them accessible to all people — people who are in different states of consciousness. If the high truths of Hindu religion were written openly, many people would miss the deep ideas imbedded therein. But when an idea is presented as a story, first it is read and enjoyed, and as one’s mind slowly matures, one begins to seek the truth of the tale.
An example from the famous story of Satyavan Savitri:
When Satyavan swoons in the forest and Yama appears, Savitri speaks lofty thoughts. There is no trace of fear in her words, nor is Yama described in terms of terror. We recognize the presence of two great souls. This encounter, conveyed in simple, faith-laden words, must have given the countless men and women who have listened to the passage the strength of mind to cast off the fear of death.
This is one of the innumerable instances through the centuries in which traditional tales become sublime tools of education.