Gangadharendra Saraswati was an advaitic scholar of the 19th century. He was also known as Bodhendra Saraswati.
His Guru was Ramachandra Sarswati.
He was the grand-disciple of Sarvajyna Saraswati.
Anandabodhendra Saraswati, who wrote Tatparyaprakasha a commentary on Yoga Vasishta, was his disciple.
The most famous work of Gangadharendra Saraswati is Vedanta Siddhanta Suki Manjari. It is a summary of Apayyaidikshita’s Siddahntalesansangrha and consists of 250 verses. It is divided into four chapters – Avirodha, Sadhana, Samanvaya and Phala.
He also has written a commentary of Apayyaidikshita’s Siddahntalesansangrha titled Prakasha.
Another major work is title Udgara. It is a commentary on Siddhantachandrika by Ramabrahmendra also known as Ramananda.
Another important literary work is Swarajyasiddhi which deals with Brahman – the supreme truth in Vedanta. It consists of three chapters titled Adhyaropa, Apavada and Kaivalya. The text is also known by the names Atmasamrajya Siddhi, Samrajya Siddhi and Mokshasamrajya Siddhi.
He has also written a commentary on Swarajyasiddhi named Kaivalyakalpadruma (Kaivalyakalpataru).
In the first chapter of the text, the author deals with the illusory nature of bondage and discusses in detail the import o the words tat and tvam.
Gangadharendra Saraswati explores and critically examines thirteen views on the word tvam.
In the second chapter, that author establishes the indeterminable nature of the universe and the non-dual nature of Brahman on the basis of Chandogya Upanishd.
Third chapter discusses the concept of liberation and the means to attain it.
Gangadharendra Saraswati upholds the Vivarana view that Shravan (listening) is the principal means of gaining knowledge.
The other important writings of the author are:
- A commentary on Shankara’s Nirvanashaka or Sukashaka.
- A commentary on Shankara’s Atmabodha Siddhantabindusikara and it is titled Bhavaprakasikha.
- Pranavakalpaprakasa, a commentary on a portion of the Skanda Purana
- Uddyotachandrodaya on Mimamsa.