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Dreaming Of One Eyed Woman – Meaning

Dreaming of one eyed woman is a warning sign as per dream meaning and interpretation. The dream means you will need to be careful about strangers. It also means you should avoid getting carried away - being too emotional. Use your intelligence and do not get sentimental. Dreams of one eye woman mean you might get cheated. It also means you will see weird things or will have to deal with strange people.

Dream of one eyed woman and you are seen in the dream means you will have encounters with people who have strange body. It also means meeting people who might bewilder you.

Dreaming of one eyed woman and it is taking place in strange place means you will face difficulties from people in a new place. It also means temptation leading you to trouble.

Dreams of one eyed woman and you are seeing her angry or chasing you means trouble due to your carelessness. It also means you should avoid taking risks to have sex or other similar kind of fun.