Excerpts from an article published by Prajapita BrahmaKumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya (Brahma Kumaris). Brahma Kumaris tips on managing thoughts to achieve success and happiness in Life.
Have you ever thought about the fact that there is never a moment when you are not thinking and that whatever you are not thinking and that whatever happens in this world begins with a thought?
Here are some simple steps to help you manage your thoughts and achieve success and happiness in life.
- Start watching your thoughts, without identifying them.
- At the outset thoughts are like the waves of the ocean, which do not stop even for a moment like the watch ticking.
- Do not be discouraged by the fact that you are becoming a part of your thoughts. Just watch your thoughts as an observer.
- You may even get carried away by your thoughts. Never mind.
- What you need to do whenever you detect this, is to take yourself out of your thoughts immediately and get back as a detached observer.
- Just watch after some time you will be able to know your negative thoughts.
- Now concentrate on all the positive thoughts that you can replace these thoughts in order to switch over to a more positive attitude towards them.
- Unnecessary thoughts should be cut to improve the quality of necessary ones.
- It is very important to be aware of these thoughts when they are just taking birth, rather than leave them for later analysis.
- Sometimes we ask to ourselves or others, or think about something just like that. Ask yourself what provoked you to make the initiative to start a conversation? Was it essential? What was the purpose? Did it serve the purpose? If no, then why not?
- Were the words used in thinking appealing to the other person, appropriate, adequate and positive?
- Did you feel happy or satisfied after the interaction with the other person or with your inner self?
- Can you find ways of improving your performance as a thinker or a speaker?
- The removal of your negative thoughts should be followed by the replacement of positive ones.
- Our success and happiness depends on identifying our goals precisely and chasing them effectively - both of which, in turn, depend on how well we manage our thoughts.
- The quality of our thoughts decide the quality of the outcomes we land up with.
- Thoughts have the power to materialize themselves because they are instrumental in channeling energy towards the physical or mental condition they are about.
- External situations and the remarks of others can harm us through our thoughts - but only to the extent our thoughts allow them to. So think positive.
- Forget what you have lost so that you can achieve what still remains.