The nine planets considered in Hindu predictive astrology has been attributed various properties and papa samaya is one among them. ‘Samaya’ means time or occasion; papa means ‘evil or sin’.
Papa samaya indicates when a given navagraha or planet is prone to give malefic results to the person because of a graham samyoga (specific combination) or a sthana (place) in which it is situated at that time.
Varahamihira in his text Brhajjataka (2-5) describes the nature of these planets.
The classification is extensive, and for the final calculation of the strength of the planet about its ability to give a benefic result, all these factors are to be taken into consideration.
Papa samaya for a planet arises because of one or more of these reasons:
- By the nature of the planet itself. The sun, waning moon (after the tenth day in the dark half, for five days), Mars and Saturn are classified as papa grahas (sinful planets).
- The yutatva (combination) of other planets with these will cause a duration of sin and could lead to malefic results.
- The aspect (due Vikshana) of such malefic planets could cause papa samaya for the other planets, even though by nature they may be benefic.
- The planet positioned in a house of debilitation (due to sthana bala). There are also methods of calculating the ten avasthas of a graha.
- Some avasthas are considered sinful times and may be added to this list.
Hindu Predictive Astrology (1981) B V Raman IBH Publishers Bengaluru.
Encyclopedia of Hinduism Volume VIII page 54