Young Prahlada addressing Narasimha in the Bhagavata Purana states that the only way to reach Narayana is through bhakti. This is a collection of some of the teachings of young Prahlada.
My Lord you are inaccessible to Brahma and Devas: to the rishis who sit in meditation for eons of time: to wise people whose words flow like water and who are very great and good men: all these are unable to have a glimpse of your form and yet, low born ausra as I am, how can I have been blessed by the sight of you? In your infinite love for me, you have shown yourself to me. I am the most fortunate of all beings.
They say twelve qualities are dear to you. Ashtanga Yoga is greater than the twelve qualities as they lead straight to you.
But you have shown me and the world that Bhakti, mere love of you is enough and, in fact, all these other things stand in the way of reaching you. Even the twelve qualities and Ashtanga Yoga are far inferior to Bhakti. I am sure of it.
The Lord, I know is pleased only with Bhakti.
When Bhakti is firm the first thing which goes is ego and with the ego will vanish all the qualities associated with it.
Young Prahlada on the Modes of Devotion to Lord Vishnu
To hear the names, praises and stories of Lord Vishnu and chant them
To remember Him, to wait upon Him
To offer worship and salutation to Him
To dedicate one's actions to Him
To cultivate friendship with Him
To offer one's own body as well as one's dependents and belongings to Him
If devotion is practiced by a man as something already offered direct to Lord Vishnu, I reckon that devotion to be the highest form of learning.
(Vishnu appeared as Narasimha to save young Prahlada from his evil father.)