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Arya Samaj - Swami Dayanand Saraswati Quotes And Teachings

Quotes and Teachings of Swami Dayanand Saraswati – founder of Arya Samaj.

Justice and mercy differ only in name.

When the fruit is given in accordance with the actions – Karma, then it follows that sins are never forgiven.

In life, there is no retirement.

Where there is no peace, there is no limit to sufferings.

The soul pervades the body and God pervades the soul.

Swami Dayanand Saraswati Teachings On Satya or Truth

Truthfulness is the harmony of thought, word and deed.

A person who resolves to stick to the truth (Satya) at all costs, steadily rises in virtues. 

When his virtues raise his reputation and prestige, he becomes all the more a devotee of truth. This devotion to truth becomes an unerring source of power and greatness.

There is no higher happiness than the contemplation of Satya.

My sole aim in criticizing the views of others is to arrive at the Truth.

Swami Dayanand Saraswati, the founder of the Arya Samaj, was a prominent Hindu reformer and a profound thinker. His teachings and quotes focused on the revival of Vedic knowledge, social reforms, and the promotion of rational thinking. 

Here are some more of his notable quotes and key teachings:

Notable Quotes:

  1. On Vedic Knowledge:

    • "The Vedas are the most ancient and excellent authority, and their teachings are the word of God."
  2. On Truth and Knowledge:

    • "Truth alone triumphs, not falsehood. Through truth, the divine path is spread out by which the sages who are free from desires reach to where that supreme treasure of Truth resides."
  3. On Education:

    • "A person should always strive to acquire knowledge and wisdom, just as one seeks wealth and prosperity."
  4. On Social Reform:

    • "The greatest happiness comes from serving others, and the highest duty is to help those in need."
  5. On Rational Thinking:

    • "The human mind should be free from all forms of superstition and blind belief. Reason and logic should guide one's thoughts and actions."
  6. On God and Religion:

    • "God is formless, omnipresent, omnipotent, and omniscient. True worship involves following the path of truth and righteousness."

Key Teachings:

  1. Vedic Authority: Swami Dayanand Saraswati emphasized the primacy of the Vedas, considering them the ultimate authority on all spiritual and temporal matters. He advocated for a return to Vedic teachings and rituals, which he believed were pure and unadulterated forms of worship and living.

  2. Monotheism: He preached the belief in one God, rejecting idol worship and polytheism. He described God as formless, eternal, and all-powerful, encouraging people to understand and worship this single, supreme deity.

  3. Social Reforms: Swami Dayanand was a strong advocate for social reforms, including the abolition of caste discrimination, child marriage, and the mistreatment of women. He promoted equality, education for all, and the upliftment of the underprivileged.

  4. Education and Knowledge: He placed great importance on education and the dissemination of knowledge. He believed that education was the key to personal and social improvement. He founded the Arya Samaj to spread Vedic knowledge and promote moral and ethical values.

  5. Opposition to Superstition: Swami Dayanand criticized superstitions, rituals without meaning, and the exploitation of people by priests. He urged people to use reason and logic in their spiritual and daily lives.

  6. Self-Reliance: He encouraged self-reliance and self-discipline, advocating for a life of simplicity and hard work. He believed that individuals should take responsibility for their actions and strive for self-improvement.

  7. Universal Brotherhood: Swami Dayanand propagated the idea of universal brotherhood, emphasizing that all human beings are equal and should live in harmony, irrespective of their caste, creed, or religion.


Swami Dayanand Saraswati's teachings had a profound impact on the socio-religious fabric of India. His ideas inspired various reform movements and contributed significantly to the nationalistic spirit that eventually led to India's independence. The Arya Samaj, the organization he founded, continues to work towards his vision of a society based on Vedic principles and rational thinking