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Vibhava In Hinduism – Meaning And Importance

The meaning of Vibhava in Hinduism is wealth, property, might, power, force, greatness, exalted position, rank, dignity, final beatitude and absolution. It is associated with Vaishnavism.

According to Vaishnava Bhakti Darshana (philosophy of devotion) swarupas (forms) of God are five types, and one of them is vibhava.

Vibhavas of Vishnu are infinite but may be put in two categories – main and subsidiary.
The direct incarnations of Vishnu are called swarupavesha, or main vaibhava, while manifestations of God’s powers or qualities are called Shaktyavesha or vibhuti, and are treated as subsidiary vibhava.

Lord Vishnu has taken many avataras out which ten are outstanding and are recognized as vibhavavatara.

His vibhava is applauded in the Mahabharata, the Ramayana and Puranas.

Shri and Bhu, consorts of Vishnu, along with His divine weapons, viz., disc, mace, sword, bow and arrows, would add vibhava to his divine personality.

Wherever there is goodness and specialization we find the existence of bhagavan’s wealth (vibhava) or vibhuti. He is the origin of everything. He is the beginning, the middle and the end of all bhutas (living beings).

He is Vishnu among the sun gods, Ansuman among lights, Marichi among wind gods, Samaveda among Vedas, Indra among devas, Meru mountain among mountains, Brihaspati among purohits, Skanda among warriors, Bhrigu among Maharishi (sage), omkara among words, Himalaya among fixed things, papal tree among all trees, and Narada among all devarshi. All these are expressions of Vibhava of God.