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Mangalya In Hinduism

Mangalya is a term used for the auspicious objects used in religious ceremonies. Yaska gives the etymology of in Nirukta (IX.4), tracing it from the root gr, “to praise, to swallow”, or from mam gacchatu, i.e., “let it come to me.”

Different religious schools differ on the number of mangalya, but most Sanskrit texts support eight auspicious objects –
Darpanam puranakumbhascha ursabham yagamacamaram srivatsam svastikam sankham dipam capyastamangalam (Raurava Agama kp XVII cd-79ab).

The married women put on certain marks and ornaments like mangalasutra, kumkuma, nose ring, etc., as an auspicious token of their good fortune and this is also known as mangalya.

Evening lamp is also mangalya dravya as it dispels darkness.

Before journey, seeing or touching the mangalya like durva grass, curd, ghee, water-vase etc is accepted as a common feature of auspiciousness in Hindu tradition. (Vayu Purana XIV.36-37).

Goddess Durga is praised as sarvamangalamangalya (Durga Saptasati XI.10), as she relieves the distress of her devotees.

Feed gold is considered auspicious as per Kashyapa Samhita Sutra Sthana XVIII.27.

Wet, yellow orpiment is auspicious as per haritalamardamangalyam – Kumarasambhava VII.23.

Recitation of benedictory texts is mangalya as per Manusmriti IV.146.

Mangaladhvani of conches and drums as per Brahmasamhita XLVIII.49

An auspicious occasion is also Mangalya as per Abhijnanashakuntalam IV.5.

Some Mangalya dravya of Hindu beliefs are a true learned man, cow, fire, earth, white mustard, ghee, shami tree, rice and barely as per Atharvaveda Parisishta IV 1.23).

Eight mangalyas as per Mayamata (XII.34.35) as a foundation deposit in a Shiva temple are mirror, full vase, clay bull, double fly whisk, srivatsa, svastika, conch and lamp.