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True Meaning Of Hindu – Hinduism – Hindustan

The true meaning of Hindu is hidden in the Barhaspatya Samhita scripture in Rig Veda. Thus the words Hinduism – Hindustan etc calls for a careful analysis and assessment. Barhaspatya Samhita defines the land lying between Himalayas on the north and Indusarovara on the south. Indusarovara has since been under the sea. The relevant verse reads thus:

हिमलयात्समारभ्य  यवादिन्दुसरोवरम 
तद्देवनिर्मितं देशं हिंदुस्तानं प्रचक्षते 

The meaning – Beginning from Himalayas extending to Indusarovara, the land created by the Lord is called Hindustan, the word being derived from the first letter of Himalaya and the last letter of Indu. Those who belong to Hindustan are called ‘Hindu.’

Hindu, thus, is not a religious name. It is territorial or geographical reference, denoting the people who lived and still live in a specific area of the earth. Whatever new religion or cult they belong to does not matter at all. They are all ethnically Hindus, having been born in and continuing to live in this blessed land.

The concept, process and pursuit of righteousness were evolved by the dwellers of Hindustan, who lived and spread in the plains, graced by the perennial flow of the holy river. We cannot say when the thought process and culture first began. Hence they derived the status of ‘anaadi’, meaning beginningless. As we are not able to trace any point of time when this transpired it naturally becomes beginningless.

Source - Article - Essential Of Hinduism by Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha Maharaj  - In The book - The Science Called Hinduism - The Play of the Divine in the form of the Rishis - Vanamali page XI - XII)

Barhaspatya Samhita is a lost text composed by Sage Brihaspati who is an important Sage in the Rig Veda. The Barhaspatya Samhita manuscript has been lost to history or yet to be found but reference to the text is found in various other scriptures including Tantras.