Fasting on Ganesh Chaturthi is not very popular among most Hindu communities. But some South Indian communities believe that fasting on the day will help in removing all obstacles in one's life. The Vinayaka Chavithi fast begins on the evening of the previous day night and continuous on Ganesh Chaturthi and ends next day morning.
It is a partial fast with food at anyone time. Fruits and milk is taken at other times.
All types of non-vegetarian food and alcohol are strictly avoided.
Prayers dedicated to Ganesha are chanted on the day.
On the morning of Ganesh Chaturthi, the person fasting should offer prayers to Ganesha at home or in a temple. Similarly, the fast ends after offering prayers to Ganesh on next day morning at home or in a temple.
In South India some Hindu communities believe that observing the fast will help in removing problems in married life, will help in early marriage and also will help in removing career related problems.