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Punartham Nakshatra Phalam 2024 Predictions Based On Malayalam Nakshatram Kerala Astrology

Punartham Nakshatra 2024 predictions are based on Malayalam Nakshatram or birth star Kerala astrology. As per Punartham nakshatra phalam, born people in this nakshatra will face immunity problems and food related problems in 2024. Unexpected expenditure will force you to take loans. Good months are February, June, September and November 2024. January, March, August and December 2024 are bad months. April, May, July and October 2024 will be stagnant period with not much gain. You will face scandals and gossips but will overcome them. Opportunity for pilgrimage or excursions. You will be rewarded for your hard work with new contracts or job offers. You will show courage and confidence in all fields. You will get opportunity to study abroad. Health issues related to bone or veins will cause hardships.

Those looking for new jobs will find it hard to convince people regarding your talent and worth initially but things will change in the latter part of the year. You will have work twice hard to get results. You should avoid anger at workplace. Patience will be a great virtue this year in career progress. You will successfully mediate and this will increase your stature. Those looking for government job will be lucky this year. Not a good year for those looking to migrate or take up job in a foreign country. Business people will implement new ideas and strategy. Promotion but with transfer to some this year.

You will see increase in income. There will be additional income in the family. You will perform charity. Good earnings through agriculture and related fields. You will complete house construction and move into a new house. Some of you will come out of partnership and do it alone. Increase in salary. You will exchange your vehicle. Money you had given as loan will not be returned on time. Avoid standing as surety. Do not pledge property for loan. Luck in lottery, stock market and games.

You should not react to hearsays and gossips without verifying the truth. Forgetfulness will cause some damage. Romance matters will be successful. You will end a bad friendship. You will show keen interest in a hobby and this will make you famous. Good words, humor and simplicity will win you friends.

Chance of accidents especially at night – avoid speeding. An important family member will be hospitalized for a long period. Constant tiredness will give you some problems. Heart related problems during the first part of the year.

Those facing problems in married life will settle it through dialogue and third-party intervention. Marriage talks will be stalled due to ego of elders. Those looking to remarry will be forced to answer uncomfortable questions.

Those looking to travel abroad will have the wish fulfilled. You will meet famous people during journeys.

Students will perform well in exams and interviews. Students will be able to impress others by solving tough problems or explain hard things in a simple way.