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Chithira Nakshatra Phalam 2024 Predictions Based On Malayalam Nakshatram Kerala Astrology

Chithira Nakshatra 2024 predictions are based on Malayalam Nakshatram or birth star Kerala astrology. As per Chithira nakshatram phalam 2024, people born in this nakshatra will get costly gifts. There will be honor and rewards. You will curtail luxury and unwanted spendings of family. Good months are January, May, August and October 2024. February, June, July and December 2024 are bad months. March, April, September and November 2024 will be stagnant period with no progress. You will see early approval of projects, plans and other submissions. You will be able to overcome activities of enemies and jealous people. You will face fall and injury due to carelessness. Initial plans regarding buying house, flat or construction of house will be started. You will get opportunity to return home and participate in festivals and other important family functions like marriage etc. You will reject a good marriage proposal as you had already made a commitment.

Those looking for new job will be lucky this year. Those looking for jobs abroad will decide to give up the plans and opt for something near home. Good year for those looking to change jobs. It would be unwise to quit job and start a business that you have no practical knowledge. A good year for those looking to start a business venture based on their years of experience. Fights and discussions with colleagues might turn ugly. Avoid trusting others with your work. Promotion will be delayed. Transfer to an unwanted location will come as a shock. You will be forced to stay away from home as part of work. Delay in government jobs.

You will make financial gains especially by curtailing expenditure. An additional income will come as a great relief. Luck in lottery and games. You will make huge gains from stocks and other related investments. Some of you will face sudden financial enquiry and fines. Legal issues related to property and finance will go against you. Siblings will force you to vacate ancestral home. Money you had lent will be returned. An old investment you had forgotten and was thought as loss will bring in gains. There will be problems in partnership business. Collapse of bank or financial institution will give you a scare.

Love and romance related matters will give you severe headaches. Parents, relatives and friends will not approve of a new relationship of yours. Scandals and embarrassments due to opposite sex. You will meet old friends or relatives after long years. You will participate in festivals.

Marriage as per desire will be held this year. Those looking to remarry will have the wish fulfilled. Those facing problems in married life will settle it through professional help and mediation.

Health of a family member especially of spouse will cause serious concerns. You will face health issues related to kidney or limbs. You will have lucky escape from accidents.

Travels for job and fun will turn out to be lucky this year. You will meet famous people during journeys. Travels undertaken to meet a particular person will end in disappointment.

Students will have a favorable year. Fierce competition will bring the best out of you. Higher studies in a very good subject.