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Dreaming Of Labour And Giving Birth

Dreaming of labour and giving birth is considered to be an auspicious and good omen as per dream meaning and interpretation. The dream means there will be hope and better future. It is an indication that with positive attitude and behavior change you can change the course of your life and achieve success. Dreams of labour and giving birth also mean new good relationships especially with the opposite sex.

Dreams of labour and giving birth and you are not married or not in a stable relationship is a warning sign. You need to be cautious about all your actions and do not make any kind of commitments. It is a warning sign especially regarding your sexual activities.

Dreaming of labour and giving birth and you see relatives or family members means that you will get help from friends and relatives. You will be able to solve a family problem. It also means the family will come together. There will be peace and prosperity.

Dreaming of labour and giving birth and you wake up terrified or sad means you will hear good news but for you it means additional responsibility both physical and financial. It also means someone in your family will get pregnant and you are not ready to face it.

Please note that the dream should happen naturally and should not be the result of some activity that had taken place on the day. Dreams which are influenced by movies, television or real life incident have no value. Only those dreams that happen without any influence have meaning and talks about future.