Ayilyam Nakshatra 2024 predictions are based on Malayalam Nakshatram or birth star Kerala astrology. As per Ayilyam Nakshatra phalam 2024, this nakshatra born people will get back the money that was given to someone or to an organization in 2024. Good months are February, April, October and December 2024. January, March, June and August 2024 are bad months. May, July, September and November 2024 will be stagnant period with not much gain. You will realize a mistake in the last moment and thus will avoid embarrassment and loss. You will make gains through water related matters. You will get opportunity to work abroad. Children will make you proud. You will face health issues due to a bad habit. You will be unhappy and disillusioned with the attitude of someone you had helped.
Due to difference of opinion with superiors or management
you will quit job and join a better one. Those looking for new job will face
some serious difficulties in the beginning but things will change and you will
get positive results. Patience and single-minded focus will help in job related
matters. You will remember important things at the right time and this will
help in achieving good results. Business people will face gloom and no profit
during the first few months of the year. Some of you will quit the present
foreign country and take up job in another country. You will be honored.
There will be financial gains especially through ancestral
wealth. There will be increase in family income. Loss from stock and other
related investments. Bad luck in games and lottery. You will give money to
temples and for other religious matters. You will make gains through your
research or hobby. New ventures especially related to export. You will sell an
old vehicle and buy a bigger one. Avoid making investments in fields that you
have no knowledge about.
You will meet someone you respect and love during
pilgrimage. You will take legal route to solve an old and persisting problem.
You will practice hard and take professional help to make a mark in arts and
sports. You will prove your innocence and this will result in getting back what
was yours. Romance matters will face difficulties due to jealous friends and
family members. It is better not to give opinion in the disputes of relatives.
You will be able to solve an important problem in your
married life through better understanding. Lack of sexual interest of spouse
will cause some tense moments. Marriage will be decided and held in this year.
Good year for those looking to remarry. Those living apart due to issues in
marriage will decide to stay together for a common interest.
Avoid driving during picnic or during fun journeys. Cuts and
burns due to carelessness. Health issues due to food poisoning. Eye or throat
related health issues will give a scare. Health issues to spouse will cause lot
of problems this year.
Gains from travels. You will make progress regarding
migration. A person you meet and develop friendship during journey might change
your outlook towards life. You will decide to undertake pilgrimages for peace
and good health.
Students will join a job-oriented course. Higher studies related matters will face some initial difficulties. Parents might not approve of your choice of subjects.