What is the single most effective way to secure peace in
society, peace in the world? To develop a sense of oneness with one another. We
are all essentially divine. When we remember this inherent divinity present in everyone,
we begin to see others with respect and love and that is the end of all
quarrels and dissension.
Social harmony comes when we discover our underlying unity. There
are various ways to unity but the best is to realize our divinity which is
equally present in everyone. Feeling one with one another at the level of atman
is what provides a solid foundation for lasting sense of solidarity and the
resultant happiness.
Our Rishis valued wisdom or deep understanding of life. They
rightly recognized that unless good sense prevails upon the people, peace and
harmony will remain a distant dream. Hence they fervently prayed for proper
intelligence, so that men may not resort to violence. True intelligence is that
which leads to understanding the fact that coexistence and interdependence is
the way of life.
Upanishads, the essence of the Vedas, counsel all seekers of
peace to be seekers of Truth. Untruth cannot bring peace. It can only add to
our miseries and woes. Truth always makes man peaceful and strong. Truth,
again, is of two types: the lower and the higher. Man travels from lower truth
to higher truth. A seeker of truth is a traveller from lower truth to higher
truth. Hence the Vedic Rishis tell us to pray for the higher truth.
Why should one practice non-violence? The simple reason
which the Upanishads give is essentially we are all one.
Indeed when one sees the same self everywhere, in all
beings, how can he hurt others? Hurting others is to hurt oneself.
The Upanishad also speaks of nonviolence against ‘all
creatures’ (sarva bhuta) and the practitioner of ahimsa is said to escape from
the cycle of reincarnation.
The Upanishads teach us to seek total peace. It is not just
seeking peace of mind but peace with the rest of the creation. Only then can
total peace be achieved.
Scientific and technological progress alone cannot bring
peace in life. We need to have nobility of heart if we want peace of mind. It
means cultivating a right approach towards life and a healthy attitude towards everyone.
Peace, shanti, is the highest and greatest need of all times.
Source – Excerpts from Towards a Vedic Philosophy of Peace by Rudraprasad
Matilal – Vedanta Kesari May 2010