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Pancha Akasha in Hinduism– Five Spaces inside the Body as Per Yoga - Indrayoni

Akasha or Shunya literally means space, vacuum or the sky in Hinduism. Pancha means five. The fives spaces inside the body as per Yoga are:
  1. Shunya Akasha, 
  2. Ativa Shunya, 
  3. Maha Shunya, 
  4. Sunyatishunya and 
  5. Antahshunya.
In ancient Hindu philosophy, the word ghatakasha (the empty space contained inside an earthen pot, or ghata) appears at several places, to bring out the fact of indivisibility or uniformity of space.

Chidakasha is a term often used to indicate the space inside the human body, which is said to be the abode of the mind, the atman, the spirit or Brahman (meaning intelligence, consciousness, etc.)

Five Spaces inside the Body as Per Yoga - Indrayoni


In Taittiriya Upanishad (I. 6.2), it is said that the “vacuum inside hrdaya is the abode of the indestructible real self”, which is inside the skull. It is called indrayoni i.e., door to Brahman. It is important to note here that hrdaya in this mantra means the brain and not the heart.

Patanjali has also used the word hrdaya in Yogasutra (III.34) to mean the brain and not the heart and has said that “by concentrating inside the heart by the process of samyama, the chitta (the receptive self) is known.”

Pancha Akasha Explained

In Hathayogapradipika (IV.69-76), three inner spaces are described. Shunya is the first akasha inside the heart lotus (anahata chakra).

Atishunya is the name of the akasha inside the throat lotus, and mahashunya is the akasha inside the lotus between the ajna chakra (eye brows).

Sunatishunya and antashunya are mentioned in Satcakranirupana of Paramanada (verse 41 – 42).

Dhyana (meditation) on the antahshunya is said to bring about mukti (liberation).

Notes take from - Encyclopedia of Hinduism Volume VIII - IHRF - page 2 and 3