Everybody talks about learning from failure. You should also
learn from a win. Whether you win or lose, you should learn. Winners need to
have the right attitude. Pieces of advice should not be for losers alone. Real
winners study the mistakes of the opponents so that the mistakes are not
repeated by them in future.
Today, there is a constant fight between losers and winners.
The problem starts with winners making fun of losers. Sometimes winners brag
about the victory as if this is the last match and there is not going to be
another one ever in future. Grudges are sown by winners and they reap it
quickly in the next given opportunity. The increasing number of fights on the
field makes us think that our players need to be given lessons in ethics and
anger management too.
Whether it is exams, jobs, promotion, or sports, the right
attitude makes the victory sweeter. Your attitude during victory shows the real
person you are and what course your life will take in future.
How you react to your victory or failure decides your
future. The desire to win is good but it should not be by hurting another
person’s feelings. Play the game fairly and win.
Be humble and be a good winner. Do not forget someone who
gave you a good challenge and brought out the best in you. Compliment the other
person for this efforts and strengths. Your victory is sweet because the other
person was a good challenger.
Acknowledge the people who helped you in achieving victory.
Never brag about your success. Take compliments with a smile and humility. Stop
talking about your accomplishments. Let the talking be done by others. Savor
the moment with humility.
Today we have many people achieving temporary victory
through all kinds of illegal means. Their success has a very short life and
they are filled with fear of being caught. Such people never have a good life;
the success that they achieved through wrong means will destroy their life.
A person who has achieved success through hard work alone
knows how to maintain and defend it. Those that achieve success through illegal
means will squander it. They do not know how to defend their fort.
Earn your success through fair play. Make your victory
exemplary so that generations will be proud about it.
Winners and losers will all be forgotten but a kind act of
putting the need of another living being in front of our desire to win will
always be etched in memory. This one act will be an inspiration forever.