Do Mukhi Rudraksha is the two face Rudraksha. Wearing it
reaps rich benefits. Person wearing it will have the blessing of the
Ardhanarishwara form of Shiva. Benefits of worshipping or wearing Do Mukhi
Rudraksha is detailed below:
- Constant blessing of Shiva and Shakti is a unique benefit of wearing or worshipping of do mukhi rudraksha.
- Peace and prosperity by controlling all Adharmic activities.
- Spiritual progress.
- Relief from stomach ailments.
- Worn to avoid accidents.
- Redemption from the sin of killing or eating cow.
- Relief from various diseases.
- Fulfillment of desires and good results.
- Good for pregnant women as it helps in removing many troubles during pregnancy period.
The above benefits are found in various scriptures associated with Rudraksh.