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Main Offerings To Goddess Bhadrakali In Kerala

The main offering to Goddess Bhadrakali in Kerala is pattu, utsavam, vela, thalappoli and theyyam or thira or kaliyattam. The favorite of Goddess Bhadrakali is Pattutsavam. Kuthiyottam songs, Pana thottam and other Devi stuti are sung during pattutsavam.

The main naivedya to Goddess Bhadrakali are therali (a steamed sweet prepared using rice powder and jaggery) and very sweet dark payasam.

The other important offerings are Gurusi, nena guruthi, raktha pushpanjali and chanthattam.

Other offerings are roasted rice powder, tender coconut and betel leaf and betel nut.

The flowers offered are red color flowers.

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