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Meaning Of Goddess Lakshmi And Moksha In Hindu Scriptures

In Hinduism, the mother of the universe is known as Goddess Lakshmi which means the attainment of Nirvana, the ultimate aim of life that is Moksha. Lakshmi the word itself comes from the Sanskrit word ‘lakshya’, means the last desire of life i.e., to achieve full salvation. In other words, worshipping Goddess Lakshmi is to activate your dreams backed with your duties to enrich the target. So it can be said that accomplishment of every one’s duties is nothing but the grace of Goddess Lakshmi.

Worshipping Laxmi, the Goddess of wealth and energy, will enable to attain dharma, artha, karma and moksha, the chaturbarga. Moksha is nothing but ‘Nirban, the last and
the supreme desire of every human lives. The word Laxmi is synonymous with the concept of happiness and prosperity in life.

 In the Rig Veda, Lakshmi is described as a primordial divine force of the cosmic creation. She is also portrayed as the symbol of delusion. She is adored as the cause of the divine procreation. In Yajur Veda, Goddess Lakshmi is depicted as a symbol of energy and plentifulness. In the Atharva Veda, Mahalakshmi is described as ‘sri’ and the causative divine force of goals in life.

In Saptasati – Chandi – Devi Durga is manifested and worshipped as in the best three forms of Mahalaxmi, Mahasaraswati and Mahakali. Here Mahalakshmi is portrayed as a divine force representing the all-pervading ‘Mayashakti’ of Bhagavan Narayan. It is also said that without Mahalakshmi, the preservation of the universe is not possible.

In the Amarakosha swarga Barga (p.4), it is mentioned that Goddess Lakshmi has eleven names like Lakshmi, Padmalaya, Padma, Kamala, Sri, Haripriya, Indira, lokemata, Maa, Khirabdhi Tanaya, and Rama.

Source - Odisha Review June-July 2021 issue - article titled 'Laxmi : The Goddess of Prosperity and Salvation by Dr. P.C. Mohanty and Swadhin Mohanty.