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Dreaming Of Broken Dentures – Meaning

Dreaming of broken dentures is a warning sign as per dream meaning and interpretation. The dream means you will soon face some kind of accidents. It also means witnessing weird things. Dreams of broken dentures also means you will attempt to make independent decisions and come out of the present tough situation.

Dream of broken dentures and it does not belong to you means you might cause some kind of harm to others. It also means carelessness and hurry resulting in damage to others.

Dreaming of broken dentures and you wake up terrified or sad means you will lose something very important. It also means a health issue due to your negligence.

Dreams of broken dentures and you are trying to fix them means you will throw away something or break something and later regret it.

Dream of broken dentures and you are happy means you will get rid of something unwanted from your life. It also means independence and freedom.