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Dreaming Of Opening A Door With A Key – Meaning

Dreaming of opening a door with a key is both positive and negative as per dream meaning and interpretation. The dream means you will get opportunity to prove your talent and there will be change of luck. But if you are scared or terrified in the dream means you will invite trouble through an action of yours in near future. Dreams of opening a door with a key means you need to be careful about all your actions and need to keep your senses in control and take proper decisions. It also means you will find a secret. It also means you will have to face some kind of shocking revelation.

Dream of opening a door with a key and you are not seen in the dream means an action of another person will bring trouble to you. It also means your instructions will not be followed properly resulting in damage.

Dreaming of opening a door with a key and you are seen in the dream means you will decide to take risk to achieve something you always wanted. It also means you will take risks to achieve something you always wished for.

Dreams of opening door with a key in an unknown place means getting trapped in a place for a short period but finally you will find a way out.