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Vedic Language Far Ahead of Its Time

Vedic Language was passed on orally from Guru to Shishya or generations. Rig Veda itself contains 35,000 words and it is a wonder that for centuries, the correct phonetic accent of the words had been preserved through oral tradition.
P K Chhetri writes in The Statesman 
Milton was satisfied with a vocabulary of 7,000 words or less while Shakespeare was content with 15, 000 but the Rig Veda itself contains a phenomenal 35,000 words in its 10,000 verses. Its strange how for centuries, its correct phonetic accents and accuracy had been preserved by those who simply learnt it by rote. Imagine the age when primitive humans communicated with each other without a set vocabulary and that makes Vedic language all the more mind boggling when one considers how scientifically perfect the Sanskrit alphabets in it, are. How it was developed still remains a mystery to scholars. Think of the discovery of the word "A" by those Vedic scholars. 

The Vedas ask one to think beyond physical reality, and considers God to be formless and without any attributes; therefore, he is beyond any human perception. Yajur Veda 22.5 says of God, the great architect, "It moves, it does not move, it is far as well as near, it is within all this as well as beyond". The word "yajna" from the Vedas has also been misunderstood-it does not entail conducting a fire ritual, but rather refers to man's immense potential to explore and utilise Nature's resources for common good. Therefore, "yajna" is considered a sacred act, conducted in a well-planned manner for the common benefit of humankind. The Vedas refer to an incessant fight between the Sun and Indra (the rain god). The conflict is symbolic of our inner war between good and evil- on one side there is truth, light and immortality, and on the other, evil, darkness and death. God is invoked for guidance, hence the prayer, asatoma sadgamaya, tamaso ma jyotirgamaya, mrityorma amritam gamaya.