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Ways Of Overcoming Coronavirus Worry – Anxiety

Coronavirus is deadly and contagious so too is worry and anxiety associated with it. There is distress all around and we will be affected. This is the time to show character and mental strength. Try to calm down. The best you can do in this situation is to follow rules and regulations. Stop panic buying and stop spreading rumors – do not share or pass on wrong information. You should be a pillar of strength to your family members and friends. We all love superheros and now is a time for each one of us to become a superhero for our family and friends.

Meditate regularly, without fail sit facing the early morning rising sun, pray to Tulsi plant, eat healthy food by following the traditional recipes of your region. Make an attempt to learn about traditional methods of cooking. 

During such forced stay indoors, we should have activities that we can do daily. Start reading the Bhagavad Gita daily. 
All the Hindu scriptures contain answers to questions related to life.

Stop following coronavirus death count and overhyped news anchors, news channels and other news sources. You as an individual can do very little to stop this. You can only be a responsible citizen of your country. Make sure you get your information and advice from the very best authentic sources. Put a limit to the number of times you reach for news regarding coronavirus.

We need to realize that as human beings we are always surrounded by a certain level uncertainty and lack of control. Nothing in life is 100% risk free. We have no control over many aspects of life even though we do not realize this many times.

Do not get irritated at family members and children. Keep your calm and cool. This is a time to focus on anger management. Avoid prejudice and impatience. Try to keep yourself calm and also those around you. Develop a sense of humor. Always keep a close watch on what you are thinking. Do not let negative thoughts overwhelm you. 

Our worry is not going to prevent problems that are beyond our control. Fears around the future should stop and this pandemic should be a good teacher. What matters in life is doing what is best in present by correcting the mistakes of past.

Use this lockdown as an opportunity to bring purpose and meaning to life. Stop planning about future. Instead try to focus on things that we can improve in life like our relationships, our role in family, our duty towards society, our duty towards nature…

Coronavirus is only just a beginning, the climate change and global warming has started messing with our life….we saw several floods and droughts in recent years. Focus on making earth a better place to live. Make small but valuable changes that will help in reducing pollution. Shortage of water is going to be reality. It is time for us to think and act for the welfare of all living beings on earth.

Our worries and anxieties will drop of naturally, when we start caring and sharing with other living beings and behaving responsibly towards Mother Earth.

Krishna is there with you but like Arjuna you have to do your work. When you start following Dharma and doing your work, Krishna will take the chariot to the correct destination. It is Adharma that led to this pandemic, therefore it time for us to correct ourselves and follow the path of Dharma (righteousness). He is ever ready to help those that follow Dharma.