Chothi Nakshatra 2023 predictions are based on Malayalam Nakshatram or birth star Kerala astrology. As per Chothi nakshatra phalam 2023, people born in this nakshatra will get the opportunity to travel to distant locations. January, March, June, August and December 2023 are good months. February, April, May, July, September, October and November 2023 are bad months. Career-wise one needs to be careful about important decisions. Political changes and changing environment around the world will affect your career. Those looking for new job will not be happy with the progress. Some of you will be taking some important steps in career and personal life. Professionals will do well in the first few months of the year. Some of you will get promotions but after some bickering. Some of you will be able to implement new plans and ideas. There will be some trouble with colleagues and seniors. Business people will get good partnerships and profits during the second half. Those working abroad mi...