Chithira Nakshatra 2023 predictions are based on Malayalam Nakshatram or birth star Kerala astrology. As per Chithira nakshatram phalam 2023, people born in this nakshatra will be unlucky in this year. You might face problems in finance and relationship matters. Good months are June, August, October, and December 20203. January, March, April, May, July and November 2023 are bad months. February and September 2023 will be stagnant period with no progress.
The year 2023 is a tough year for people born under Chithira Nakshatra. Some of you will be getting new jobs this year but not as per your qualification or satisfaction. A sudden reversal in career or job loss is a possibility. There will be some loss in business during the middle part of the year. Help expected from the government will be delayed. Business people will be changing the style of functioning and will be concentrating on small businesses. Those looking for job abroad will face disappointments. Those working in sea related business will have a favorable year. Teachers and those in services will do good. Government related jobs will face numerous difficulties and problems. Not a good year for those looking to migrate.
You will be able to win back an ancestral property which you lost as a result of cheating or over-sightedness. Some financial troubles will end in the second quarter of the year. There will be financial help from relatives or friends. Some of you will start the work of a new home. Debts given will be hard to get back. There needs to be a control over spending. You will decide to make traditional investments and avoid risks.
Singles and bachelors should be careful with the relationships they make. Avoid taking the role of mediator as it will bring trouble to you. Marriage will be delayed due to unexpected reasons. You will have suicidal thoughts due to stress and disappointments. Those looking to remarry will find too many problems and might drop the idea. Those facing relationship troubles will decide to stay apart. You will meet old friends.
There will be some health trouble during the last few months of the year. You will be troubled by bone related health issues.
There will be travels in the last quarter of the year. You will go on spiritual tour. Those wishing to go abroad will face hurdles.
Students might face some difficulties. You will be dragged into problems.