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Rasai Devi Yatra at Vadgaon Rasai Village at Shirur Taluka in Pune District of Maharashtra

Rasai Devi Yatra at Vadgaon Rasai Village is observed in Chaitra month (March – April). It is the annual fair and festival at the Rasai Devi Temple at Vadgaon Rasai Village in Shirur Taluka of Pune District, Maharashtra. Various unique pujas and rituals are held during the annual yatra. Rasai Devi Yatra 2025 date is April 12.

The shrine is dedicated to Goddess Rasai Devi, a manifestation of Mother Goddess Shakti. This form of Goddess Shakti is widely worshipped as a village deity and kuldevta (family deity) in Maharashtra.

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For the annual festival, the shrine is decorated with lamps, lights, flowers, leaves and sugarcane for the occasion.

The festival and fair attracts hundreds of devotees to the Rasai Devi temple.

Various offerings are made to appease the deity. Red flowers are offered to the deity. Procession is part of the festival.

Rasai Devi Yatra at Vadgaon Rasa is annually observed on Chaitra Purnima tithi or the full moon day in Chaitra month as per traditional Hindu lunar calendar followed in Maharashtra.

Rasai Devi In Maharashtra

  • Rasai Devi is both Kul Devata and Gram Devata in Maharashtra.
  • She protects villages in which she resides. She will have a male consort who stays along with her or far off.
  • Families that have Rasai Devi as Kuldevi offer prayers to her once in a year at a particular spot. 
  • The deity is offered various offerings on the day. In some rare instances animals are sacrificed.
  • She is worshipped for peace and prosperity, for victory over enemies, to attain success in business and to ward of evil eye.
  • Couples worship her for good and health children.