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Hanuman Puja Leaves - Leaf and Flower used in Puja and Worship of Hanuman

The most important flower and leaf use in the worship and puja of Hanuman is Arka leaves.

Arka in various languages:
Bengali: Aakanda
English: Bowstring Hemp, Calotrope, Crown Flower, Giant Milkweed, Swallow-Wort
Hindi: Ak, Akua, Arka, Akwan, Fudhar, Madar, Safed Aak
Manipuri: Angkok
Marathi: Arka, Arki, Rui, Ruiti
Sanskrit: Alarka, Arka, Arki, Sadapushpa
Tamil: Erukku, Malaiyerukku
Telugu: Jilledi Puvvu, Jilledu, Nallajilledu, Uccinta, Uchchinta

It is widely believed that offering Arka leaves to Hanuman is highly meritorious.