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Seven fold materials as per Hindu Teachings – Which are the seven fold materials of Human Body in Hinduism?

In Hindu philosophical teachings, the human body is often categorized into seven primary materials, each playing a significant role in the understanding of physical existence and spiritual development. These materials are:

Marrow: Refers to the vital essence or core strength within bones, symbolizing the inner strength and essence of life.

Bone: Represents the structural framework of the body, symbolizing strength, support, and endurance.

Fat: Stands for the adipose tissues that provide insulation, energy storage, and protection to the body.

Flesh: Refers to the muscular tissues that enable movement and physical activities.

Blood: Symbolizes vitality, life force, and circulation within the body.

Inner Skin: Represents the mucous membranes and linings of internal organs, which protect and facilitate essential bodily functions.

Outer Skin: Refers to the outermost layer of the body, providing protection against external elements and serving as a boundary between the internal and external environments.

These seven-fold materials illustrate a holistic view of the human body in Hindu philosophy, emphasizing both physical aspects and deeper spiritual meanings related to existence and consciousness.