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Dreaming Of Ireland – Meaning

Dreaming of Ireland is a good omen as per dream meaning and interpretation. The dream means opportunity to do something new and extensive travel. It also means unexpected changes in your life and moving to a new place or meeting someone from a different culture. Dreams of Ireland mean you are unhappy with the current situation and want to do something exciting – you are not being honest with yourself.

Dreaming of Ireland and you are not present in the dream means frustration and dejection. It also means people ruling you out and bossing over you. It means in near future you will lose your temper and take out years of frustration on someone.

Dreams of Ireland and there is color and another person means new relationship and happiness. It also means successful travel.

Dreaming of Ireland and you see mountains, beaches, yacht etc means you will have a wish of yours fulfilled.

Dream of Ireland and you see yourself in the dream means desire fulfillment. It also means staying away from home. The dream also means you will show boldness and courage.

Please note that a dream to have meaning it should happen naturally not after discussing or reading or seeing Ireland during the daytime. Daytime events in dream are just an extension of day events and it has no meaning.