Surapana is the consumption of intoxicating drinks in Hinduism. According to Sastras (Hindu scriptures), Sura was created from the milky ocean that was churned for nectar, and it was preferred by the demons (asuras). Sura causes intoxication and supports the surge of tamas (dullness) and supports the surge of tamas (dullness) and rajas (passion) qualities by suppressing the sattva (purity) quality.
Surapana is not used for worship of sattvic gods and in sattvic worship; however, the tantric forms of worship recommended its use. Smriti and Dharmasastra rule makers condemn drinking of wine by Brahmins, women, children and sannyasis. Even tasting, smelling, or touching a vessel containing sura is considered a crime.
Many people confuse the religious ritualistic drink soma with sura. In Ayurveda, treatment of diseases resulting from excessive consumption of such intoxicating drinks is prescribed.
In Arthashastra, the king is ordained to have a royal officer (adhyaksha) controlling the manufacture, distribution, sale, and consumption of these drinks. The public places where sura was served under supervision were called prapa. The witness statement of a person under the influence of sura was not accepted by the judiciary. Addiction to drinks like sura was considered a royal weakness.