Sita is the Goddess of the earth in the Vedas. She is a
fertility deity and is worshipped in the Rig Veda. Rig Veda hymn 4.57.6
mentions her – She is the furrow. She is prayed for bountiful crops. Her
blessings are taken for good crops.
Auspicious Sita, come thou near: we venerate and worship
That thou mayst bless and prosper us and bring us fruits abundantly. (Rg Veda Hymn 4.57.6)
That thou mayst bless and prosper us and bring us fruits abundantly. (Rg Veda Hymn 4.57.6)
Kaushika Sutra of Atharva Veda mentions about a Sita who is
the wife of Parjanya.
Paraskara Grihya Sutra of Shukla Yajur Veda talks about a Sita
who is the wife of Indra.