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Hindu Religion Formula for Happiness - The Equation For Happiness in Hinduism

Wow! It would be cool, if we can have a formula for happiness. The Speaking Tree column of Times of India has a mathematical equation for happiness based on Hindu religion teachings. The equation for happiness in Hinduism is influenced by the first verse in Isha Upanishad:
ishavasyam idam sarvam
yat kincha jagatyam jagat
tena tyaktena bhunjitha
ma gridhah kasya svid dhanam
Everything animate or inanimate that is within the universe is controlled and owned by the Lord. One should therefore accept only those things necessary for himself, which are set aside as his quota, and one must not accept other things, knowing well to whom they belong. 

The Equation For Happiness in Hinduism

When we express this secret (the first verse in Isha Upanishad) in mathematical terms, the connection between renunciation and happiness becomes clear: H = R/N where H stands for happiness/contentment, R for resources at your command and N for your needs. As the quantum of your needs starts decreasing the 'H' quotient keeps increasing. If you can bring down the 'N' factor to zero, 'H' reaches infinity.
Well forget the equation if you are not mathematically oriented. The column towards the end has got some valid points.
Do we really know what makes us happy? A successful person by society's standards is not necessarily a happy person. Because happiness has nothing to do with possessions, environment or even physical health. Happiness comes from a source that is independent of all these. Genuine happiness is a state of contentment that comes with peace of mind and a sense of well-being regardless of outward circumstances.
Gandhiji believed that the essence all the teachings of Hinduism can be found in the first hymn of Ishavasya Upanishad.

The first hymn of Ishavasya Upanishad extols equality thousands of years before Karl Marx thought about communism.

When the first verse of Ishavasya Upanishad is followed there will be harmony in nature and society. There will be peace for all living beings on earth.

There is nothing parallel in the whole world to the first verse in Isha Upanishad. The first verse, if correctly understood, has the key to happiness.

Gandhiji Thoughts on the first mantra of Isha Upanishad

Since God pervades everything, nothing belongs to you, not even your own body. God is the undisputed unchallengeable Master of everything you possess. If it is universal brotherhood – not only brotherhood of all human beings but of all living things – I find in this first Mantra of Isha Upanishad.
Ishavasyam Idam Sarvam Yat Kim Cha Jagatyam Jagat
Tena Tyaktena bhunjitha, ma gradha kasyasvid dhanam
Know that all this whatever moves in this moving world is enveloped by God.
Therefore find your enjoyment in renunciation, do not covet what belongs to others.
If it is unshakable faith in the Lord and Master – and all the adjectives you can think of – I find it in this mantra.

If it is the idea of complete surrender to God and of the faith that he will supply all that I need, then again I say I find it in this mantra.

Since he pervades every fiber of my being and of all of you, I derive from it the doctrine of equality of all creatures on earth and it should satisfy the cravings of all philosophical communists.

This mantra tells me that I cannot hold as mine anything that belongs to God and that, if my life and that of all who believe in this mantra has to be a life of perfect dedication, it follows that it will have to be a life of continual service to fellow creatures. (Gandhiji’s Address at Kottayam in Kerala, published in Harijan, 1937)