Thousands of forms of Shiva are worshipped in India and
around the world. Here is a collection of stories of some rare and powerful
forms of Shiva. The story are mostly from Puranas especially the Kashi Kanda of
the Skanda Purana.
Jayageeshyeshwar Shiva – Story of Jayageeshyeshwar Shivling
Story of Jayageeshyeshwar Shiva is associated with a sage
named Jayageesh.
Jayageeshyeshwar Shivling is located
in Varanasi, India. Legend has it that once Shiva left Kashi and did
not appear for very long period. Jayageesh Rishi performed intense austerities
to bring back Shiva to Kashi.
Pleased with the devotion and austerities of Jayageesh
Rishi, Shiva returned to Kashi.
On returning to Kashi, Shiva asked Nandi to carry a lotus
flower to the Rishi. Saint Jayageesh had become very thin due to the intense
austerities. He could not even walk properly.
As soon as Nandi touched the Sage with lotus flower, he
became very active. He found new vigor and walked along with Nandi to the abode
of Shiva and Goddess Parvati.
When he reached the abode of Shiva, he started singing in
praise of Shiva and composed numerous mantras.
Shiva was pleased with devotion and granted Sage Jayageesh a
As boon, Jayageesh Rishi asked Shiva to be present in the
Shivling that he installed and worshipped to bring Shiva back to Kashi.
Shiva granted the boon and told that those who worship the
Jayageeshyeshwar Shivling will attain Siddhi and peace. He also added that
devotees who worship the Shivling will be absolved of their sins.
Shaileshwar Shiva – Story of Shaileshwar Shivling
Story of Shaileshwar Shiva is found in the Kashi Khand of
Skanda Purana. Temple housing the Shaileshwar Shivling is located
in Varanasi. As Shaileshwar, Shiva is the Lord of the mountains. Legend
has it that Giri Raj, the king of mountains, and father of Goddess Parvati once
paid visit to Shiva and Goddess Parvati at Kashi.
When Giri Raj reached Kashi it was night. He then thought of
building a temple dedicated Shiva in a night. He assembled all highly
sculptures, artisans and workers.
The workers were so efficient that they built a temple in a
single night. Giri Raj then installed a Shivling in the temple and named it
Shaileshwar. He then left Kashi feeling extremely satisfied.
Shiva Ganas who were surprised to a see temple built
overnight reported the matter to Shiva.
Shiva and Goddess Parvati reached the temple and realized
that the temple was built by Giri Raj. Goddess Parvati was so pleased that she
asked Shiva to be present in the Shivling.
It is stated that those that who observe prayers to
Shaileshwar Shivling will attain moksha and will never be unhappy on earth.
Goddess Parvati said that those who worship Shaileshwar
Shivling will be taken care of as Her children.
Shaileshwar Temple is located at Mariha Ghat
in Varanasi.
Trilochaneshwar Shiva – Shiva as Trilochan
Trilochaneshwar is one among the numerous names of Shiva.
Shiva as Trilochan is the three-eyed one – he who is present in the past,
present and future. Shiva is worshipped in the form of Trilochaneshwar in a
temple in Kashi (Varanasi). Trilochan Shivling is found in
the Trilochaneshwar Temple in the Trilochan Ghat
in Varanasi.
Trilochaneshwar is the eye of all the Shivlings in the
It is believed that uttering the name Trilochan cleanses
sins and one attains mukhti.
Legend has it that if a person commits sin anywhere in the
world, the person will get redemption in Kashi. But if a person commits sin in
Kashi, the person will get redemption only by chanting the name of
Grahpati Shiva – Story of Shiva as Grihapati
Grahpati Shiva is one of the manifestations of Shiva. The
story of Shiva as Grihapati is mentioned in the Shaivagama. Grahpati means the
lord of the planets.
Legend has it that once the wife of Sage Vishwanar had a
desire to have a son. To fulfill the desire, Sage Vishvanar went to Kashi and
offered prayers to Veereshwar Linga there.
After a year, Shiva appeared as a boy before Sage Vishwanar
and granted him the boon that He will be born as their son. Shiva said that he
will be known as Grahpati.
As per the boon, Suchimati, wife of Sage Vishwanar, gave
birth to Grihpati. The sage performed all the sanskaras of the boy.
When the boy was nine year old, Sage Naraga visited Sage
Vishwanar and told him that the boy will be struck by lightning during the 12
year of his life.
Sage Vishwanar was saddened by this fact. But Grihapati said
that he will go to Kashi and offer prayers to Shiva and will overcome death.
Grihapati went to Kashi and made Shivling and started
offering worship to it.
When it was the 12th year, Indra appeared before the boy and
offered a boon. But the boy was not ready to take any boon from Indra and said
that he will take boon from Shiva only.
Hearing the words of the boy Indra became angry and decided
to punish the boy. He threatened to kill the boy with lightning. But Shiva
appeared and told the boy that not even Yama can harm his devotee.
Shiva gave him the boon that Agni will not touch him.
The Shivling that was used by Grihapati to worship Shiva
became known as Agnishwara.
The Shivling is still worshiped in Varanasi.
Satishwar Shiva – Story of Shiva as Satiswar
Satishwar Shiva is one among the numerous manifestations of
Shiva. The story of Satiswar Shiva is associated with His marriage to Goddess
Sati. Legend has it that Mother Goddess Shakti was born as the daughter of
Daksha Prajapati. She was called Sati.
When Sati reached marriageable age, She found no man who
could become her husband.
Sati then reached Kashi and offered prayers for a good
husband. One day a Shivling appeared on the spot where She was praying. A voice
was heard from the Shivling and it stated that She need not perform any more
austerities and Mahadev Shiva will Himself become Her Husband.
Shiva as the Husband of Goddess Sati is known as Satishwar.
The Shivling that appeared before Sati
in Varanasi is known as the Satishwar Shivling.
The temple housing Satishwar Shivling can still found
in Varanasi.
Sthanu Shiva – Story of Shiva as Sthanu Rudra
Sthanu Shiva is one among the numerous forms of Shiva. Story
of Sthanu Rudra, information about this form and mantras are found in the
Shaivagam. Sthanu Rudra is the motionless pillar which is above time and
dimensions. The cycles of time move around him. Creation, sustenance and
destruction are willed by him. Symbolically Sthanu is timeless, motionless
state of Samadhi.
Shaivagam also gives a simple picture of Shiva. It states
that Sthanu Shiva sits in profound meditation. He is worshiped by all beings.
Goddess Parvati sits on his left side.
It is stated that Sthanu Rudra on the request of living
beings, comes out of his motionless state and takes Goddess Parvati as his
wife. He plays various leelas for the welfare of the people.
Legend has it that demon Tarakasur was creating havoc in the
universe. The demon had got the boon from Brahma that only a son born of Shiva
would annihilate him. The demon had learned that after the death of Sati, Shiva
has entered into a timeless and motionless state. He thought Shiva will not
show interest in the matters of living beings.
But Sthanu Rudra came out the meditative state and took
Goddess Parvati as his wife and Kartikeya was born as a result. Kartikeya then
annihilated demon Tarakasura.
Gangadhara Shiva – Story of Shiva as Gangadhar
Gangadhara Shiva is the form of Shiva that
holds Ganga on his matted locks. The story of Gangadhar Shiva is
associated with the arrival of Ganga on earth. Legend has it that
sixty sons of King Sagara were protecting the Ashwamedha horse.
In an Ashwamedha Yaga, the emperor releases a horse which
travels through different kingdoms. Those kings who are ready to be a vassal of
the emperor do not object the horse running through their kingdom. But those
kings that are not ready to be a vassal stop the horse and then the issue is
settled on the battleground.
The sixty sons of Sagara were known to be cruel and they
practiced all forms of Adharma. Saints, human beings and Devas were fed up with
their activities. All of them complained to Indra, the king of Devas. He
promised to get solve the problem.
It must be noted that in some Puranas it is not sixty but
King Sagara had sixty thousands sons as a result of a boon.
The sixty were following the horse released by King Sagara.
One day Indra stole the horse and hid it at the spot where Sage Kapila was
When the unruly sons discovered horse near Sage Kapila, they
thought the saint had stolen it and started abusing and hitting him. Sage
Kapila’s meditation was disturbed and the angry saint opened his eyes –
reducing the sixty sons into ashes.
Grandson of emperor Sagara reached the spot and prayed for
forgiveness to Sage Kapila. The sage could not bring back the sons but he said
that they will attain Moksha when in future King Bhagiratha of the lineage will
bring Ganga down from heaven to earth.
After several generations, Bhagiratha was born in the family
and he performed great austerities and impressed Brahma and Shiva.
Ganga descended from heaven and Lord Shiva held Her in
His matted locks so that the power of Goddess Ganga does not destroy the earth.
Shiva thus got the name Gangadhara…one who
holds Ganga in His matted locks.
Kalaraja Form of Shiva
Kalaraja is the most ferocious form of Shiva. As Kalaraja he
is the lord of time and death and even time is afraid of this form. Shiva
Purana explains about this most ferocious form of Shiva who controls time and
everything. Kalaraja is associated with Bhairava form of Shiva that nipped the
fifth head of Brahma with His left thumb.
As Kalaraja, Shiva puts an end to one cycle of creation. He
devours the cosmos as Kalagni Rudra.
Kalaraja form of Shiva is the various manifestations that
happen during the end of a cosmos which includes Kalagni Rudra, Mahakala,
Kalabhairava, Kalapursha and Bhairav.
The Kalaraja form of Shiva appears when earth is filled with
Adharma. When it is impossible for Mother Earth to tolerate, Shiva appears to
put an end to the Adharma.
Words cannot describe the form of Kalaraja. The wise does
not fear the Kalaraja form of Shiva because they know that all that is here is
Shiva as Ashtamurti
Ashtamurti is one among the numerous names of Shiva. Shiva
as Ashtamurti is existence. He is the force behind the living. As Ashtamurti,
Shiva is the creative force and life behind everything that exists. He is the
one who decides when a life form undergoes transformation and takes a new form
– which we refer to as death and birth.
Shiva is known as Ashtamurti because He pervades the earth,
water, air, fire, sky, sun, moon and living beings. Earth, water, air, fire and
sky are together the five elements or Panchabhootas.
Shiva as Ashtamurti is the cosmos. Everything in it rises
from him and goes back to him.
As Ashtamurti, Shiva dances revealing time and eternity. The
dance subdues and controls Yama, the god of death.
Ashtamurti is depicted as dancing with a Veena and one of
his hands is in the Chinmudra.
Kalidasa identifies Ashtamurti with Ardhanarishvara.
Kalidasa identifies Ashtamurti with Ardhanarishvara.
Nagachandresvara – Shiva as Nagachandreshwar
Nagachandresvara is the murti of Shiva that is worshipped on
the uppermost tier of the Mahakaleshwar Temple in Ujjain.
The darshan of the murti only happens on Nag Panchami day as per traditional
Hindu calendar followed in North India.
Shiva is the one who wears nagas or snakes as
ornaments. Chandra, the moon god, adorns the matted locks of Shiva. Thus
he is Nagachandresvara Shiva.
Nagachandresvara murti
at Mahakaleshwar Temple in Ujjain is very ancient and
very unique.
Thousands of devotees queue up on Nag Panchami day for the
rare darshan of this murti.
Shiva as Baijnath – The Story of Baijyanath Shiva Temple at Purulia in Bengal
Baijnath Shiva Temple is located at
Purulia in West Bengal. There is an interesting story related to
the Baijyanath Temple. The story shows that what matters is
unwavering devotion not rituals and namesake worship and prayers. Legend
has it that the present day Baijyanath Temple was neglected by
priests and devotees as it was in a dilapidated state and was in the jungle.
Baiju, a woodcutter, in the region used to reverently tap
the linga at the temple daily with his axe before going into the jungle for
cutting the wood. He continued this practice for years. Once a group of priests
who came to have a look at the temple saw, Baiju tapping the linga with his
They felt this was as insult and cursed Baiju that for this
blasphemous act he will be destroyed by the third eye of Shiva.
Suddenly a voice came out from the linga stating that Baiju
is my favorite devotee and no power in the world will destroy Him. Without fail
he regularly comes and taps me. His this action is more pious and earnest than
the distracted rituals and prayers of yours.
The story spread far and wide and people started worshipping
the Linga and it came to be known as Baijyanath.
Maheshwara – Story of Shiva as Maheshwara
Maheshwara is one among the numerous names of Hindu God
Shiva. Legend has it that Shiva got the name Maheshwara during the fight
against the Tripurasuras who ruled the Tripuri. Tripura or Tripuri are the
flying cities made of Gold, Silver and Iron. Demons Tarakaksha, Maya and
Vidyunmali ruled over the three cities.
The three demons had propitiated Brahma and as boon asked
for immortality which was denied and later they asked for three fortified
cities which could fly around and could only destroyed with one shot of an
Devas failed to dislodge the demons from the cities and they
lost control over the heaven.
Finally, Devas approached Shiva and He agreed to destroy the
Vishwakarma built the chariot for the mission. The
Charioteer was Brahma. Earth was the body of the chariot. Sun and Moon where
the wheels of the chariots. The four Vedas became the four steds.
To achieve success in the fight against the three demons,
Shiva sought and obtained one half of the strength of all gods and from then
onwards he was called Maheshwara, because he became the greatest among them.
Brahma raised the chariot up and waited for the cities to
align in a single line. This happened only for a split of a second.
Even this split of a second time was more for Maheshwara,
who shot the arrow through the three cities burning them down. The asuras were
killed and Dharma was restored.
Pitreshwar – About Pitreshwar Shiva
Pitreshwar is one among the numerous names of Shiva. As
Pitreshwar Shiva, he is the lord of the pitrus. He governs over the dead.
Pitreshwar is worshipped in the form of Shivling. Temples dedicated
to this manifestation of Shiva are found in Varanasi and Gaya –
both the places are famous for rituals associated with the dead.
The popular belief is that those who offer prayers to
Pitreshwar will have the blessing of ancestors. It is also believed that
performing rituals and worship to Pitreshwar will help in redemption of sins of
ancestors. This will help them in attaining moksha or liberation.
One of the famous Pitreshwar temples is located
at Varanasi. There is also Pitri Kund (pond) in the vicinity of the
temple. Devotees take holy dip the Kund and offer prayers for the welfare of
Veersehwar Shiva – About Manifestation of Veereshwar
Veersehwar is a manifestation of Shiva and is believed to
have appeared to rescue an ardent devotee. This devotee was a 16-year-old boy.
This manifestation of Shiva is worshipped as Atma Veereshwar in Varanasi.
Legend has it that King Amitrajit and Queen Malayagandini
had a male child. The child had attained the age of 16 immediately after his
Astrologers who looked into the horoscope predicted that the
child will have to be killed otherwise the king will die.
In order to save the king, the queen decided to kill the
boy. The boy was ordered to be taken to Kashi and killed. However, nobody was
ready to kill the boy. The boy then offered prayers to Shiva at Kashi; here
Shiva appeared before the boy as Veereshwar.
The boy was told that nothing would happen to his father due
to his birth. On the request of the boy, Shiva decided to be present in the
form of Atma Veereshwar Shivling.
Legend has it that offering prayers to Atma Veereshwar
Shivling in Kashi will help in attaining peace, health and prosperity.
Childless couples have found relief after offering prayers
to Veersehwar Shiva.
Dhareshwar Shiva – About Dhareshwar Shivling
Dhareshwar Shiva is a manifestation of Shiva mentioned in
the Kashi Khand of Skanda Purana. Dhareshwar Shivling is worshipped
in Varanasi and in western parts of India especially in
Pune and near Gokarna in Karnataka.
Dhareshwar is also one of the pancha kshetras or five holy
places viz., Gokarna, Murdeshwar, Dhareshwar, Gunavante and Sejjeshwar.
The popular belief is that worshipping Dhareshwar Shiva will
help in attaining moksha.
As Dhareshwar, Shiva is the one who supports the universe
and the five elements.
Another belief is that Shiva is Dhareshwar because he
controls the flow of Ganga River on Earth. Earth was not capable
of taking the flow of Ganga from heaven. To control the huge powerful
flow of Ganga, Shiva took Her on His head.
When Shiva is Dhareshwar, Goddess Shakti appears as
Dhareshwar Devi.
Rudreshwar – Shiva as Rudreshwar
Rudreshwar is a manifestation of Shiva. He got the name
after He annhilated Gajasura – the elephant and wore its skin. Rudreshwar
appeared in the form of Shivling at Kashi. This is mentioned in the Kashi Khand
in the Skanda Purana. The popular belief is that those offering prayers to
Rudreshwar will attain moksha or liberation.
Rudreshwar Shivling is currently located near
the Tripura Bhairavi Temple.
A Rudra kund (pond) was located near the Rudreshwar Shivling
– the pond no longer exists. The popular belief is that taking bath in the kund
is highly meritorious especially when Chaturdashi (14th day of fortnight)
and Arda Nakshatra coincides. As Rudra Kund no longer exists people take bath
in holy Ganga River on the day.