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Showing posts from May 22, 2014


Mahadwadasi holds significance within the Vaishnava tradition and among those who observe Ekadasi fasting. In this practice, if the majority of the fasting for Ekadasi is observed on the Dwadasi day (the 12th day), rather than the traditional Ekadasi (the 11th day), it is referred to as Mahadwadasi. During Mahadwadasi, fasting begins on Ekadasi and extends through Dwadasi, concluding on the 13th day (trayodasi tithi). This observance underscores a particular dedication to spiritual discipline and austerity within the lunar calendar. Although Mahadwadasi recurs a few times throughout the Hindu lunar calendar, its significance primarily lies in the adherence to this unique fasting pattern. There are no additional specific rituals or celebrations associated with this day beyond its role in the Ekadasi observance.  

Budha Gayatri Mantra Text in Hindi and English – Budha Graha Gayatri Mantra

Budha Graha is one of the Navgrahas. He is propitiated for intelligence. Budha Gayatri mantra is powerful prayer dedicated to the deity. The Budha Graha Gayatri Mantra text in Hindi and English is given below. The deity is worshipped on Wednesday. Budha Gayatri Mantra Text in Hindi Budha Graha Gayatri Mantra in English

Shatabhisha Nakshatra Colour – Which is the Lucky Color of Satabhisha Nakshatra?

Shatabhisha Nakshatra is the 24th among the 27 Nakshatras in Hindu Astrology. The lucky colors for people born in the Nakshatra Shatabhisha are Blue, ash and black. As per Hindu astrology a particular type of color is dedicated to a certain Nakshatra which is lucky for the birth star. Shatabhisha Nakshatra is housed in Kumbha Rashi or Aquarius Zodiac. Wearing blue or ash or black color or shades of blue or ash or black color dress for interviews and other competitions are lucky for those people born in this Nakshatra. The colors to be completely avoided are deep yellow and orange.

Mole on Left Hand – Til or Beauty spot on Left Hand Meaning and Importance – Is it Bad or Good?

Til, or beauty spot or mole, on the left hand is interpreted as good in Hinduism. But then what does it mean? Is there any symbolic meaning mole on left hand? Also please note that the position of the beauty spot have no real significance in many Hindu cultures. As per some Hindu cultures, the person who has til or mole on the left hand will be saving lot of money. There will be happiness. The person will not be a spendthrift. On the downside some of them will be misers. Please note that these inferences are not based on Hindu scriptures. These are purely regional and community based. You should not blindly believe in such things.