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Name of Wife of Bharata – What is the name of Bharata’s Wife in Ramayana?

Bharata was the second son of King Dasharatha and the brother of Sri Ram in Ramayana. Bharata married one of the daughters of King Kusadhvaja, who was the brother of King Janaka. Any idea what is the name of Bharata’s wife. Majority of the people might not know the name because she is not as famous as Mata Sita or Urmila.

Name of wife of Bharata is Mandavi. She was the second daughter of King Kusadhvaja.

Bharata and Mandavi had two sons named Subahu and Surasena.

In the Hindu epic Ramayana, Bharata is one of the four brothers of Lord Rama, the protagonist. Bharata is the second son of King Dasharatha of Ayodhya and Queen Kaikeyi. Mandavi, on the other hand, is the daughter of King Janaka of Mithila (also known as Videha) and Queen Sunayana. Mandavi is the sister of Sita, Rama's wife.

The relationship between Bharata and Mandavi is portrayed as one of mutual respect and understanding. Though their marriage is arranged, they are shown to care for each other and support one another in their respective roles. Mandavi, like her sister Urmila, demonstrates loyalty to her husband and his family, even though she may not have anticipated the circumstances of her marriage to Bharata.

Their relationship, while not as prominently featured as that of Rama and Sita or Lakshmana and Urmila, nevertheless symbolizes the familial bonds and the sense of duty that are prevalent themes throughout the Ramayana.