Keerthi Lakshmi Mantra is dedicated to Goddess Kirthilakshmi one of the eight forms of Goddess Lakshmi – Ashtalakshmi. Below is Malayalam Keerthi Lakshmi mantra. The mantra is chanted for fame and success. The mantra is also chanted for prosperity, promotion and for success.
The mantra is ideal for those who want to achieve
recognition. It is an ideal mantra for artists and politician.
The mantra is chanted daily 108 times. It is also the ideal mantra to chat on Thursdays. People chanting the mantra should wear yellow color dress.
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à´¸്à´¥ൂലസൂà´•്à´·്മമഹാà´°ൌà´¦്à´°േ, മഹാശക്à´¤ി മഹോദരേ
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