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Totakashtakam Lyrics in Hindi

Totakashtakam was composed by Totakacharya, one of the chief disciples of Sri Adi Shankara. It is an octad of verses in praise of the Master. Here is the Totakashtakam lyrics in Hindi


महितोपनिषत् कथितार्थनिधे
हृदये कलये विमलं चरणं
भव शंकर देशिक मे शरणम् १॥

करुणावरुणालय पालय मां
भव शंकर देशिक मे शरणम् २॥

भवता जनता सुहिता भविता
निजबोधविचारण चारुमते
भव शंकर देशिक मे शरणम् ३॥

भव एव भवानिति मे नितरां
समजायत चेतसि कौतुकिता
मम वारय मोहमहाजलधिं
भव शंकर देशिक मे शरणम् ४॥

सुकृतेऽधिकृते बहुधा भवतो
भविता समदर्शनलालसता
अतिदीनमिमं परिपालय मा
ंभव शंकर देशिक मे शरणम् ५॥

जगतीमवितुं कलिताकृतयो
विचरन्ति महामहसश्छलतः
अहिमांशुरिवात्र विभासि गुरो
भव शंकर देशिक मे शरणम् ६॥

गुरुपुंगव पुंगवकेतन ते
समतामयतां नहि कोऽपि सुधीः
शरणागतवत्सल तत्त्वनिधे
भव शंकर देशिक मे शरणम् ७॥

विदिता मया विशदैककला
किंचन काञ्चनमस्ति गुरो
द्रुतमेव विधेहि कृपां सहजां
भव शंकर देशिक मे शरणम् ८॥

The meter Totakacharya has used in this composition is the difficult but beautiful totaka. Hence he was himself given the name Totakacharya. Every word of this exquisite hymn bespeaks the utter devotion of its author to Adi Shankara.

Adi Shankaracharya, the Guru, is all to him. There is nothing equal to the Guru; nothing superior to him. The Guru is the dispeller of the darkness of ignorance. There can be no greater good than the removal of ignorance. The spirit of devotion of the disciple is best expressed in the soul-moving poem.